Category: PDX

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February 12, 2007 | 2 comments { PDX }

Apparently my much-beloved Hot Dog on a Stick counter at Pioneer Place downtown has gone the way of the dodo. Sad. Oh, the memories of gawky teenaged guys in their tank-top outfits. Plus, the deep fried cheese. Via Metroblogging Portland

Historic Photo Archive Online has Cool Photo from 1948 Near Where I Work

February 1, 2007 | 2 comments { PDX }

This cool photo is of a train near where I work now, from 1948. Obviously there was some flooding going on. Via Neatorama

The Dreadful-Fabulous NBH Building at Twilight

January 31, 2007 | 1 comment { PDX, Photography }

The Dreadful-Fabulous NBH Building at Twilight Originally uploaded by lyzadanger. I carried a camera yesterday on my walk to and from work. I took a small grip of photos, but this one was my favorite. The NBH building is a few blocks from my house, in an area dominated by light industry and produce-packing warehouses. [...]

Let's Talk about the Weather

January 25, 2007 | 1 comment { Life, PDX }

A dull topic, admittedly, but this morning’s weather is a bit unusual. It’s cold and foggy, but it’s doing something I haven’t seen before. During my walk to work, it seemed te be raining, but only in certain spots. There were clumps of large drops and lines of them along the sidewalk. After a few [...]

On Crime

January 23, 2007 | 3 comments { Life, PDX }

When visiting our previous house on Gantenbein, in N. Portland, a goodly percentage of visitors would remark upon our security or safety. There were lots of suggestions of us getting an alarm. There was lots of uncomfortable giggling about the drug deals going down in front of the house. Yet I never felt that my [...]

Beautiful Dangerous Night

January 18, 2007 { Life, PDX }

I am surprised. After we had our complimentary ounce or so of Château Pinchon Longueville at Liner & Elsen, shoved shoulder-to-shoulder in an inefficient crowd gaping forward for more, more, and apparently attended by the King (in a complex waistcoated suit and wearing, I swear to god, medals), we returned home and I decided to [...]

Culinary Vindication

January 18, 2007 | 1 comment { Food, PDX }

After my vitriolic spewing about how much I hate Nostrana and other non-reservation-taking restaurants and their snarky wait staff, I feel somewhat vindicated that Nostrana ran away with the “worst service at a good restaurant” vote on the awesome blog An Exploration of Portland Food and Drink. Link p.s. It’s too bad I live, like, [...]

How can this happen?

January 18, 2007 | 4 comments { PDX }

I read the local blogs! I read blogs about movies! I read blogs in which a substantial portion of their commentary is specifically about David Lynch. How, then, could I possibly have missed that his new film, Inland Empire was playing all week at local indy theater Cinema 21? And that tonight is the last [...]

Metroblogging Portland brings me the "Portlander Action Figure"

January 18, 2007 { PDX }

From a post by PAgent on metroblogging Portland: I had an epiphany whilst waiting at the Pioneer Square MAX stop to come home. I could produce a ‘Portlander Action Figure’. It would have ugly square glasses, a stocking cap pulled down to it’s eyelids, white iPod earbuds jammed into its ears with the wires running [...]

Smug, Self-Congratulatory Bit; Then a Minor Rant

January 17, 2007 | 4 comments { Life, PDX }

I have to say I feel pretty good in one regard: I believe I have walked and run more miles this month than I have driven. Granted, I’m hardly driving at all in the new house, but still. As of today I’ve walked or otherwise foot-propelled myself about 55 miles since the 1st. I’ve been [...]

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From the archive, a few random posts that you might not have seen before.

Wonderful games with Caslon