
February 12, 2007

Apparently my much-beloved Hot Dog on a Stick counter at Pioneer Place downtown has gone the way of the dodo. Sad.

Oh, the memories of gawky teenaged guys in their tank-top outfits. Plus, the deep fried cheese.

Via Metroblogging Portland


  1. Anonymous says:

    You’ll have to try the little No Fish Go Fish cart for all your distinctively different food needs. It’s on the corner of SW Yamhill and 5th.

  2. mikey says:

    I swear to holy god that you and I had a conversation, on the radio I might add, which means I have it on tape…somewhere, in which we discussed the unlikeliness and comedic potential of a GUY in a Hotdog on a Stick uniform, now you say you’ve seen such a thing, I call shenanigans.

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