This post on Cabel Sasser’s blog about the Apple Store that, after years of back-and-forth with the Landmarks Commission in town and various city entities, is probably not going to be built, from what seems to boil down to people not liking interesting, new, or different things. This hits on a theme I’ve seen around [...]
It’s getting colder here in Portland. It’s going to get down into the teens in the next few days. That’s cold for us wimps here. Especially cold for me, because I’m cold when it’s 70 degrees, and I have been wearing a hat for about two months straight now. Here’s some love from Photobooth at [...]
I know that someone beat me to this, I think it might have been the nice folks over at Blog Town, but the city’s water blog is relatively fascinating. At least to people who live here. Or like details about how much it rained today at the headworks of the Bull Run watershed. Portland has [...]
From my new house, I can, and do, walk to work now. Normally this is a calming 14-minute walk. This morning I felt like I was on some fated, miserable sub-arctic expedition. The wind is blowing, the rain plopping down, the temperature hovering meanly a few degrees above freezing. I made the mistake of wearing [...]
Find local happy hour times and locations with this Google Maps mashup: UrbanDrinks
From the archive, a few random posts that you might not have seen before.