Category: Internets

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Did Just Bend Space-Time?

August 9, 2007 | 4 comments { Internets, Life }

I have Amazon’s Amazon Prime service, which, for a mere fiscal rape of $80 a year, lets me get free 2-day shipping on everything* which gives me a smug sense of being frugal and yet having my whims stroked very quickly (waiting is for sucks). I also have a knack for accruing gift certificates [...]

Time-waster: Shakespeare

August 9, 2007 { Books & Learning, Internets }

Try this game and see if you can name all of Shakespeare’s plays. I got 35 out of 38 on my first try (remember that I read what I think probably counts as a “lot” of Shakespeare–I’m reading Julius Caesar right now). After two tries I got all 38. Whoo hoo! But, really, who’s ever [...]

The Original Fish Heads Video!

July 11, 2007 | 1 comment { Internets, Life }

I used to love this as a kid.

They Fight Crime.

May 2, 2007 { Internets }

More Fame

March 5, 2007 | 1 comment { Internets, Photography }

My Fred Meyer Photo on Flickr continues to make the rounds on the Interweb. Some good news: it will be the featured photo of the day on Wikipedia on March 29! You can preview it here. Additionally, the author of a well-known personal finance blog has expressed some interest in using it as part of [...]

Disney Sucks, but if only…

February 28, 2007 | 3 comments { Internets }

If Mickey Mouse were more like this I might have some tolerance for people who love Disney.

Dear Google Reader: Please Don't Suck

February 24, 2007 | 1 comment { Geek, Internets }

I’m downright frustrated with the apparent inability to actually refresh feeds in Google Reader. For example, I’ll post a review on LibraryThing, then go to Google Reader to look at the RSS feed from it, and no amount of “refreshing” will cause the new items to show up. David has also reported this in respect [...]

One of those Weird Internet Coincidences Worthy of Note

February 1, 2007 | 2 comments { Internets, Life }

I just got a spam. OK, that’s nothing even sort of interesting. This particular spam was one of those relatively legitimate looking ones that makes you kind of think: I wonder what these jerks’ angle is, anyway. It involved some sort of promotion entangling Peanut M&M’s with a free gas card giveaway. Right. There was [...]

I Need New Music

January 18, 2007 | 3 comments { Internets, Music }

My at-work music situation is going downhill. As I age and my concentration becomes more and more tenuous, I have been listening to more and more geriatric, soothing music. First it was a switch from progressive trance to more insidious dance-pop tracks, then to downtempo lounge, then to chillout, then to ambient, and, finally, the [...]

Regarding Craigslist: Beggars Really Can't be Choosers

January 17, 2007 { Internets, Life }

Mr. Hoenig and I tend to use craigslist as our own personal alternative to Goodwill, or, god forbid, the dump. We often will put things we don’t want anymore on the “Free” list: turf left over from a new lawn, scrap wood, moving boxes. It’s amazing what seemingly useless stuff flies like hotcakes off the [...]

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From the Archive

From the archive, a few random posts that you might not have seen before.

Wonderful games with Caslon