February 24, 2007
I’m downright frustrated with the apparent inability to actually refresh feeds in Google Reader. For example, I’ll post a review on LibraryThing, then go to Google Reader to look at the RSS feed from it, and no amount of “refreshing” will cause the new items to show up. David has also reported this in respect to feed items coming from the blog. I think it might be a caching thing but you’d think Blogger feeds would be kept up-to-date as Blogger == Google. This sucks. Has anyone else experienced this or found a workaround? It might be a dealbreaker for me.
The “Refresh” link in the UI updates the new post counts from the backend. It does not control the backend, so feeds continue to be fetched on their usual schedule (the rate of which I do not know off the top of my head).
While on one hand it sounds nice if Blogger as a google-owned property would have an extra-special connection into the feed-fetcher, on the other hand that’s an anticompetitive business practice which would at the very least make some people grumpy.