I use the WP-stats plugin and Google Analytics. Here are a sampling of some of the search strings people are using in search engines, who ultimately end up on my site. My favorites are bolded. Some search terms that are obvious/dull or expose specifics about people other than myself have been removed. What have I [...]
Complaining Bloggers Have a Cable Company’s Ear – NYTimes.com: “” Lyza Gardner, a vice president at a Web development company in Portland, Ore., used Twitter to vent about a $183 cable bill last month. (The bill was prorated for almost two months of service.) Her comment — “very angry at Comcast” — set off Mr. [...]
One thing that I have done right in my life is my domain. I was together enough to register lyza.com in the mid-90s. I was together enough to maintain some semblance of Web presence. Google developed a strong relationship with my site. Anyone in the world who needs me or wants to know about me [...]
Too busy to blog properly this week, but enjoy this well-crafted gem about the trans-continental pneumatic burrito pipeline. The Alameda-Weehawken Burrito Tunnel: “By the time they pass Stockton three minutes later the burritos will be traveling faster than the Concorde, floating on an invisible magnetic cushion as they plunge into the lithosphere.” (Via @peat via [...]
One Post Wonder: Great Friday-afternoon chuckle–blogs with only one post around the Interwebs, started by well-meaning (but possibly insane) people who didn’t keep with the program. For example: “Late to the SATs, got there all confused, couldn’t find the building over all shitty experience.” — (larrybird.blogspot.com) “woke up this morning had them stalking blues i [...]
Interesting story in the New York Times this morning about gender role intrigue in an extremely isolated and rigorously traditional people in northern Albania: Albanian Custom Fades – Woman as Family Man – NYTimes.com: “For centuries, in the closed-off and conservative society of rural northern Albania, swapping genders was considered a practical solution for a [...]
Found on BoingBoing. Pencil-related. But creeeeee-PY.
I stumbled upon a long thread tonight in the LibraryThing discussion forums. It’s a topic in the “Political Conservatives” group. It kind of blew my mind–and not in the way you might think. The posts there are considerate, informed, well-executed and, in several cases, remarkably well-written. Perhaps it’s because it’s thread on a site about [...]
I haven’t updated my links/blogroll/whatever in some time. Would you like me to link to your site? I’d quite like to. Well, most likely. Let me know.
Does everyone, like me, have a “default” Web site that you visit when bored or on auto-pilot? The place you go to peruse stuff, for fun and relaxation? I guess the answer here might be “my RSS reader” for some people, but I find it therapeutic to go through the motions of clicking and scrolling [...]
From the archive, a few random posts that you might not have seen before.