Category: Internets

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More Video for You!

May 14, 2008 { Internets }

MUTO a wall-painted animation by BLU from blu on Vimeo.

Way Back Then

May 12, 2008 { Internets, Life } in March, 2001. in February, 2002.

Does Calling it a "Cell Phone" Make you Seem Stupid?

May 6, 2008 | 7 comments { Geek, Internets }

So I call my mobile device a cell phone, a lot of the time. I’m kind of in the biz (mobile and Web development), so maybe it matters, my jargon. Cameron Moll, in his book “Mobile Web Design” decries this habit as podunk and indicative of a culture ignorant of the impact (or potential impact) [...]


May 3, 2008 | 2 comments { Internets }

Last night after another wretched episode of Battlestar Galactica, Mike and Chris Higgins and I stayed up watching TiVo bits. Chris showed us the “Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job” on Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim. Much of the time it’s baffling and lightly amusing, but then this gem came on and I think my [...]

What was your First Flickr Photo?

April 24, 2008 | 6 comments { Geek, Internets, Life, Photography }

whirly feet Originally uploaded by lyzadanger Mine was, inexplicably, or ironically, one of my feet. I took it in San Diego where I was attending O’Reilly’s ETech conference in 2005. Flickr was quite the topic of conversation. This was back in the era where your account/profile had to be approved before you could actually post [...]

Challenge: Your Philosophy in a Quote or Clip

April 1, 2008 { Internets, Life }

I generally think quotes are somewhat shallow in conveying meaning, that they’re over-used by people who can’t come up with their own ideas, and that they’re specific to the demesne of the quoter, but occasionally quotes really work. For me, the perfect quote storm was brewed by a particular scene in Twin Peaks. Stay with [...]

Stuff Like This is why it Sucks to Drive in the UK

March 31, 2008 { Internets }

One word: Swindon. Ick. See more at World’s Worst Intersections & Traffic Jams. Via Neatorama.

Life Update: Geek/Tech

March 24, 2008 | 1 comment { Geek, Internets }

Non-tech readers can ignore this. Continuing to proselytize the JQuery JavaScript framework; getting a lot done with it. Approaching a brown belt in WordPress customizations and cetera. Just tapping the surface of Drupal Getting my fingers wet on a little iPhone Web app; a bit wary but excited about the SDK Hoping to get the [...]

Epic Fail

March 20, 2008 | 4 comments { Internets }

So: Is it real or staged? Your opinion, please.

Site Changes

February 15, 2008 { Geek, Internets }

Quick, boring note. Exceedingly boring and useless for RSS subscribers. I’ve been tinkering with the site over the past week or so. Comments are now visible (for the most recent posts) right on the landing page, so you don’t have to go digging for them. It’s my opinion that no blog software has ever quite [...]

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From the Archive

From the archive, a few random posts that you might not have seen before.

Wonderful games with Caslon