June 3, 2008
I hate saying my own name out loud. Especially paired with my last name. Especially in the sense of introducing myself to a group: “I’m Lyza Gardner.” Gives me the shudders even typing it. Feels too self-referential.
Is that messed up?
For me it’s always been the chorus of voices replying with “Hello Jim H… ” that always makes me shudder. but hey, I collect my chip and move on :-)
Mine just confuses people. I almost need to just go ahead and spell it first thing.
my weirdness is the inverse: i melt like butter whenever anyone addresses me by my name. dunno why.
Oh, I like to hear other people say my name. Especially in unusual nuances, like this guy from Botswana I knew in England. His name was M’Po and he was very, very tall. I used to be a sucker for anything British, but I Got Over That.