Platter of Furbies

February 5, 2008

And now for something completely different.

One day a few years ago, a co-worker came into work with a sort of platter thing covered in Furbies.  This was no mean feat as Furbies are hard to get one’s hands on, at least at the time. And he must have had eight or nine. Strapped on to some sort of disc for expressing something arty and clever (he far exceeded me at being interesting). At one point during the day I managed to abscond with the Furby shield and hide in a stairwell.

Here is a recording of what it sounded like.

Gaggle of Furbies in a Stairwell

Anyone know if you can still find Furbies in this world? Too lazy to Google.


  1. tODD says:

    Lyza, thank you for contributing to the knowledge base that is the Internet. Next time somebody asks me “What would it sound like if you had many Fursby in a stairwell?”, I will simply point them to this blog entry. Another question answered!

    Also, I can’t tell if it sounds vaguely naughty, creepy in a sounds-of-nature-at-night sort of way, or perhaps like a third-world adaptation of a Three Stooges film.

  2. Karl says:

    I wore that platter around my neck and I couldn’t hear anything else very well.

    I got them at the bins, and off EBay for about $5 each at the time. I have about 25 of them in a box somewhere, I only burned or melted a few, although one died when I fed it vodka.

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