Body: Its Peculiarities

May 28, 2008

The first in a series about how we are built and the history of our corporeal selves.

I want to sit and reflect on your physical self. And then I want you to tell me what is weird about it. Not weird-the-shame-drives-me-to-drink but weird-isn’t-this-curious-and-interesting. I know you can do it. I’ll start:

  • I can bend my elbows backwards. This has a tendency to freak people out. I don’t really get that. But it does happen: I have seen more than one person shriek and scuttle away in terror. I consider it a beautiful gift of elasticity.
  • My front teeth are weird. Not publicly–the front sides look normal*. But if you looked at them in cross-section, you see that they have an extra “ledge” in the back, almost like a second tooth were growing in behind them. This causes dental hygienists some excitement. I’ve had one tell me that it is genetically indicative of indigenous populations from northern Canada; another said it was a primarily Asian peculiarity. Either is interesting.
  • I have twin dimples, one on the back of each shoulder. I am fond of them.
  • I have an almond-shaped birthmark on the bottom of my left foot that I think of as the Evil Eye. I have another oval, about 1/2 inch in diameter, on the front of my left ankle. I have in the past called that one my “Spot” but that nomenclature has been appropriated for the place in my tubes currently besmirched by Crohn’s and red, puffy grumblings.


* Although I had a weird “friend” in high school who would examine my mouth periodically with the intention of analyzing how “buck” they were trending. He was also a Jehovah’s Witness. What’s a brother gonna do, I guess?

I Can Bend my Elbows Backwards


  1. Peat says:

    Give it up for double jointed thumbs. Never fails to give people the willies.

  2. autumn says:

    i can fold my tongue in half and keep it that way. i guess it’s a genetic thing and binary: either you can, or not.

    double jointed middle fingers. i can flip you off with EXTRA GUSTO!

    the wandering eye thing would be more interesting if i was in better control of it. or see out of it.

    very bendy. can get both legs behind my head.

    and disproportionately large… ego.

  3. Alan I. says:

    Faded pink birth mark on my left hip. Haven’t seen it in years.
    Hyper noisy backend.
    Hairy toe knuckles.

  4. Alsymer says:

    Benign hemangioma (soft tissue tumor) in the natural cavity on the left side of my face. Swells up like a balloon when I’m exercising, hung upside-down or overheating. Under normal conditions, only hairstylists, dentists and physicians seem to notice.

    Had an awful surgery as a teen to remove it and it grew back. Go figure. :)

  5. Don Park says:

    the toe next to my big toe is longer than the big toe. it likes to hang over the edge of birkenstock sandals. there is a lump under the skin under my chin.

    sometimes if i sit cross-legged and put just the right pressure and angle on my left knee, it comes of of joint or something until i straghten it out. its very painful. so i get up from sitting by going to the right side.

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