WordPress Theme Hacks Useful for that which I do for kicks and cash. (tags: geek blogs hack) Interesting origins of words – Boing Boing Sounds like a book I’d like to read. (tags: reading books wishlist want) A Park That Ran With the Wrong Crowd – New York Times Huh. There’s a closed state park [...]
Thanksgiving with a Twist Thanksgiving at Epicurious.com This is going to be our Thanksgiving menu. Woop! (tags: thanksgiving food cooking)
Books – The New York Times Book Review I should really keep up more on book reviews, considering all the reading I do. (tags: books reading) Foamee Keep track of who you owe beer to (and who owes you). (tags: beer fun friends)
Machinist: – Salon: Can Amazon’s Kindle remake e-books? Amazon is going to release a “revolutionary” e-book device on Monday. Past attempts have been unromantic, big ol’ failures, but, if done right, maybe it would be awesome. What they forget in their hubris of being “next iPod” is that no one reads anymore. (tags: geek internets [...]
men who look like old lesbians A blog that makes me go bwaahaha. (tags: funny)
YouTube – Georgia Police storm opposition TV station in Tbilisi This haunts me (tags: currentevents russia georgia video) Neatorama » Blog Archive » The Bear Whisperer Oh, dear, it’s Grizzly Man all over again. Someone call Werner Herzog, quick. (tags: crazy bear)
Restaurant Lines | An Exploration of Portland Food and Drink Sums up some of my feelings about wait staff well. (tags: food pdx)
You are watching The Role Play Tournament Another Funny Video from Brad Neely on Super Deluxe Brutal. So much going on here. Watch out, no punches held. (tags: funny geeky)
Yesterday was a day of very mixed feelings about Apple. I had problems with the OS X 10.5 Leopard upgrade on both machines, but the ultimate result on my Mac Book Pro seems decent. On my MBP, this happened. There was a good 45 minutes of extreme panic on my end as I had neglected [...]
From the archive, a few random posts that you might not have seen before.