Knowledge: Getting everyone on the same page…of the calendar

January 15, 2010

It is a strange thought to consider: what if, right now, it was simultaneously ten days ago in Alaska? Such that if you dispatched a postcard to Juneau, it would likely, in the eyes of the recipient, arrive from the future? Or, to ask an Englishman what happened on the 11th of September, 1752 only to have him respond—truthfully— that the day never happened?

We tend to take it for granted that most everyone in the modern world can agree, in spite of confusion over time zones, what day it is. We tend to see history as a patterned unfolding of events on dates in uniform, unambiguous years going back to the time of the Ancients. Though Elizabeth I was born in the 16th century, we think of that particular birthdate—September 7— as analogous to our 21st century September sevenths.

But this isn’t really accurate.

Our modern notion of date—the Gregorian calendar—began as a problem with Easter in 16th-century Italy. The Julian calendar had been used widely and consistently since the time of its eponymous creator, Julius Caesar, in 46BC. But the moon seemed to be drifting. No longer was the vernal equinox falling quite when it should, date-wise, and the antique lunar calculations for when Easter should be left church leaders with a 4-day moon lag to contend with. The whole machine needed some adjustment to come back in alignment with the edict from the Nicaean council of 325AD: that all Christians must celebrate Easter on the same, unequivocal date.

A Calabrian doctor, Aloysius Lilius, cooked up a solution. He tinkered with a bit of math and the era’s better ability to approximate the exact length of an earth year. His new system, graciously named after the seated pope, Gregory XIII, is the calendar we use to this day. A supporting papal bull was dispatched in February, 1582.

This worked out okay, immediately, for Catholic nations. Spain and Portugal got on the bus right away. France lagged slightly but didn’t require too much cajoling. Protestant countries, however, eyed Rome suspiciously, wary of a popish plot. It wasn’t until over a hundred years later, in 1700, that Denmark finally agreed, and Britain was all out of whack until 1752. And recall that in 1752, England’s lands included the American colonies. The sun set on the British Empire on September 2, 1752, and rose again—on the 14th. There are tales, perhaps apocryphal, of malcontents rioting and demanding their lost days back.

Notoriously late in the game was Russia, who didn’t budge until after the October Revolution (which, somewhat hilariously, actually took place in November if you use the Gregorian calendar). Thus, during the mid-19th century, Alaska, then their possession, lagged some ten or so days behind the continental United States. It’s hard to say when, exactly, Alaska was sold to the US, as Russians and Americans disagree about the date.

I’ll leave you with one random fact: In the Gregorian calendar, you are more likely to have a leap day land on a Sunday or a Friday than any other day of the week. Figuring out why I’ll leave to you—too much math for yours truly.


  1. Aileen says:

    I wish they’d gone with 13 months instead of 12. Each month could be 28 days long, with the last month of the year getting an extra day. So much simpler.

  2. Preston says:

    Hmmm… according to, “A leap day is more likely to occur on Mondays or Wednesdays rather than other days because the Gregorian calendar repeats itself every 400 years. Therefore February 29 can occur 15 times on a Monday or Wednesday, 14 times on a Friday or Saturday and 13 times on a Sunday, Tuesday or Thursday.”

  3. Lyza Gardner says:


    Odd. My source was the ubiquitous Wikipedia on this one.

    Which says:

    In each cycle there are:

    * 15 leap years starting on Sunday
    * 13 leap years starting on Monday
    * 14 leap years starting on Tuesday
    * 14 leap years starting on Wednesday
    * 13 leap years starting on Thursday
    * 15 leap years starting on Friday
    * 13 leap years starting on Saturday

  4. Preston says:

    I wrote a quick-and-dirty program to get to the bottom of this:

    The results (Mon-Sun):
    [15, 13, 15, 13, 14, 14, 13] is correct, which is good given their domain name :) I’ll edit Wikipedia and correct it, unless you see a problem with my code?

  5. Preston says:

    I figured out what’s going on.

    The Wikipedia page cited clearly states that the distribution is for years STARTING on the days listed. The leap day itself occurs on a different day. For example, Wikipedia used to say, “15 leap years starting on Sunday”, which is correct. But in those years, the leap day itself occurs on Wednesday.

    When this is taken into account, the results of my program agree with the Wikipedia article. I’ve modified Wikipedia to make this more obvious since it was very easy to misread it the way the data were presented before. I personally feel that the day of occurrence of the leap day is more important than the day the leap year started.

    All of which is very long way of saying, the most common days for a leap day to occur on are Monday and Wednesday!

  6. Sasha Mace says:

    And then there’s this puppy:

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