Music: Tacky Music I Like; Tacky Music Other People Like

December 21, 2006

Aileen and I are having a little competition of tackiest musical artists that we somehow like, cringingly.

I won’t give hers away because that would be rude, but mine is, blush, the R&B/Hip Hop artist Akon. Yeah, yeah, I know. But I really like the track “I Want to Love You,” which, if you must know, is not actually called that if you get the real version. I’ll leave the conclusion of that thought as an exercise for the reader.

But Aileen thought she had me with her tacky artist, but I just learned the following about Akon from Wikipedia, and nearly fell out of my chair:

* His real name is Aliaune Damala Bouga Time Puru Nacka Lu Lu Lu Badara Akon Thiam (he spent part of his early life in Senegal) (-1 tacky point for “interesting”)
* He speaks English, French, and Wolof (language spoken in Senegal and some adjacent areas). (-1 tacky point for “impressive”) (side note: From Wikipedia: “The Wolof numeral system is based on the numbers “5″ and “10″. Example: benn “one”, juróom “five”, juróom-benn “six”, fukk “ten”, fukk ak juróom benn “sixteen”.”)
* He’s served 3 years for grand theft auto (++tacky)
* He apparently has 3 wives (+tacky for “creepy/not condoned by our social customs”)



  1. Anonymous says:

    Wow – you really feel strongly about this subject don’t you? Take it easy – no need to get all wound up…

  2. El Gray says:

    I like that he’s singlehandedly keeping the Vocoder alive in modern music.

    Merry Christmas!

  3. mike says:

    Okay, now I’m responding to an anonymous comment on an ancient thread. But this is a big pet-peeve of mine. What is it with people who, every time somebody gets enthusiastic about a topic, they have to pipe up with, “chill out, dude” or some such idiocy, then look around at the group like, “isn’t he or she a nerd for talking and being excited” Fuck you Mr. “Take it easy” Is that all you have to contribute? Is that your one conversational gambit? Wait for somebody to get on a roll, then try to cut their legs out from under them, so you can look cool? I fucking hate people like that.

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