Life: I Live in the Hood

September 26, 2006

I love my neighborhood. It’s diverse (officially the most diverse populace in town) and odd and no one gives you shit about anything. However, it’s most definitely still got its moments.

Along Vancouver and Williams Avenues they’re starting to open some trendy-ish restaurants and bars, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t still some savagery in the impinging Portland mod crowd:

From An Exploration of Portland Food:

“There is a newish bar on N. Williams called Vendetta, known for having a really nice patio area. A good place to while away the afternoon. Until now. The rumor mill tells me “One of the owners went after one of the other owners with a knife there this weekend. The police were called and he was hauled off. Charges are being pressed”. Beer and a drama show – $4.50


I also read somewhere (sorry to be so vague) that there was a shooting on Williams and Skidmore (essentially the same corner as Vendetta) this weekend, and, checking Portland’s very good GIS crime mapping site, it seems that there was an aggravated assault reported this year–at my own address. It wasn’t me.

One Comment

  1. El Gray says:

    Hopefully no one opens up a bar called Immolation, or a restaurant named Human Sacrifice nearby.

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