Personal: On Friends

September 8, 2006

Good: I had a great, informal couple of drinks with one of my older friends, Gregory, this evening. I’ve known him since I was 15 (that’s 13 years), and I kept having scandalous flashbacks of all of the pieces of our friendship as we chatted easily about the now. There was high school (well, his, I dropped out at an early age, a story for another time), his time in the army in the middle east, then college and ersatz adulthood, then real adulthood. It means a lot that I’m able to keep in touch with people like him who I have had a long evolution with.

Bad: So many have drifted away, and some unfairly or without logical reason. It’s hard for me to reconcile this other than thinking I’m unlikeable or being slighted. I suppose it’s easy to propose that this is part of ageing, life. I don’t accept it.


  1. Anonymous says:

    What’s your high school story?

    Unhappy high school stories are interesting.

  2. mikey, again says:

    haha, does anyone have a happy high school story? Well probably, but not I, not I.
    This post of yours makes me melancholy for a host of reasons. I can’t even explain all of them. Friends lost, time lost, good times gone but not forgotten, worse times all too easily remembered. I’m better than most at holding onto friends, but alas, there are several that I wish I could get in touch with, or just can’t bring myself to call. Mostly though, I always feel like there should have been more. You know? There should have been more adventures, more experiences, more time, I guess. I feel old.

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