PLEASE PRESENT YOUR OCTOPUS « Engrish Funny: Engrish Pictures That Is Your Funny Engrish

November 11, 2008

Engrish Funny: Engrish Pictures That Is Your Funny Engrish


My favorite Engrish in a long time.


  1. Preston says:

    This is funny… but it may not be Engrish! When I was in Hong Kong a couple of years ago, there was a debit card called the “Octopus”. I thought it was funny at the time and took my own picture (which shows the sign in context). But technically the grammar is correct, so it may not qualify as Engrish :)

  2. Tammy says:

    True, I live in Hong Kong and Octupus is a debit card type thing which allows you to get on public transportation and buy things from store without using cash. It is a system worked by magnetic computer chip. Here’s their official site if you want to know more,

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