June 24, 2008
I participate in LibraryThing’s Tuesday Thingers group–a weekly blogging exercise. This week’s question:
Last week I asked what was the most popular book in your library- this week I’m going to ask about the most unpopular books you own. Do you have any unique books in your library- books only you have on LT? How many? Did you find cataloging information on your unique books, or did you hand-enter them? Do they fall into a particular category or categories, or are they a mix of different things? Have you ever looked at the “You and none other” feature on your statistics page, which shows books owned by only you and one other user? Ever made an LT friend by seeing what you share with only one other user?
I have 26 books listed in LibraryThing that are listed by no one else.
These fall mostly into the following categories:
The Raymond Hatton thing is curious. David and I both have a mini-obsession with his books because they are histories and geographies of the areas of the state for which we have passion. The places where very few people live or go, so interest in generally minimal. One day, David and I were cruising the Millican Valley, Ray Hatton book on Central Oregon in hand, looking for property. We found a very choice plot and high-tailed it back into Bend to find the relevant real estate office. We found the right agent and sat down and shot the shit with him for a while. At some point we mentioned the book we were using to explore the area.
“Who wrote it?”
“Ray Hatton,” answered David.
The real estate agent leaned forward and handed us a business card: PETER HATTON. “That’s my dad,” he said.
Like I said, not many people live in Eastern Oregon.
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That’s a really cool story. Did you buy the property? Maybe you could’ve gotten a dinner with a favorite author out of it :-D
your answer to this is SO much cooler than mine: pirate themed bodice ripper? who, me?
Lol, it really is such a small world :)
What a great story! My grandmother-in-law has that kind of luck. She seems to always end up talking to an author or a relative of an author of a book she’s reading when she flies anywhere.