This Week in Pencilhaven

June 12, 2008

  • A visit from Catherine, my aunt, and her partner Annie. They live in Cork, Ireland. It’s always great to see them. Annie discovered a face in one of my framed photographs that will now haunt me forever. They pronounced Pencilhaven “a grand house. Just grand.”
  • Pretty much everyone has read Tana French’s In the Woods now. David finished it on a flight back from Folsom, Calif., yesterday, but it has also been read by Autumn, Aileen, and Annie bought a copy while she was here.
  • A lot of grousing about the weather. This week in Portland has set some records for coldest ever. It’s Juneuary — but today it’s getting sunny and awesome.
  • Trigonometry.
  • Lectures about The Aeneid.
  • FireFox 3.

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