February 12, 2008
As some of you may know, I have this peculiar disorder with words, in which they go through my head like bad Christmas music. Mostly this is annoying, but sometimes I don’t mind.
For example, I rather like the word “disingenuous” and that which it implies. From answers.com:
Not straightforward or candid; insincere or calculating
(Note that the ad right beneath the definition is for to “Get Ann Coulter’s weekly column delivered to you Free via email.” I find that mildly ironic.)
My example of disingenuous for today: people who list their ticky-tack wobbly crap ass furniture on Craigslist as being “eames era.” Not Eames, Eames era. So all of the chumps like us who have an RSS search for Eames chairs have to suffer listings about their worthless junk.
Do you have any examples of disingenuousness?