My Friend Matt's Cinematic Leanings

January 2, 2007

My good friend Matt Gray is a teacher in Kettering, England. He put this rather wacky bit together for a school assembly. He’s the guy in the red shirt (well, for most of the film).


  1. Anonymous says:

    Now that was cool.. makes me want to try using Adobe SW to do a light saber scene.

  2. Josee says:

    Hi Lysa,
    So true on what your friend said. Who knows how technology will be in a few years. From movies to cell phones to cars. Well on a second hand I am trying to find a lost internet friend of mine. His name is Matthew Paul Gray. Just wondering if that is your friend. He would be born in December 1980. Please contact me at to let me know if that is him. I haven’t talked to him in ages. Thank you so much.

  3. Mendingo says:

    Woohoo! I got a mention! I’m special!

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