Life: Lots of Bumps and then an Extra "Gift"

December 11, 2006

The past couple of weeks have been pretty intense with lots of hurdles popping up in the way of our new house purchase (the sale of our current house went great, however; I signed title paperwork this morning).

I’ve been mostly keeping ahead of the stress from the potential-homelessness and other goodies, until Saturday night, when I was attending my company’s holiday party.

While I was parked that evening, someone apparently backed into my car, leaving an 18-long crumple-gash just fore of the left rear wheel, but not leaving a note.

Thanks. I can’t fathom doing that kind of damage to someone else’s vehicle and not owning up to it. So instead of further drinking it up with my friends, I went home, dealt with my insurance and filed a police report. It’s “awesome” that, right at the time that we have spent literally all of our money, and need every cent we have for down payment and closing costs, etc., I’m now left with a $500 deductible and an assured pain in the ass to fix this.

What the hell is wrong with you people?!


  1. El Gray says:

    Reading that caused me physical pain. I’m sorry, L.

  2. Anonymous says:

    we have more cameras in pdx now then london, certainly one of them picked up something

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