August 24, 2006
This week:
* I’m all over, a used-book swapping site that is ten parts lovingly-crafted-by-a-book-loving-geek and about two parts sanity and logic. It’s a pyramid scheme, but I’m in it until the bottom falls out.
* I’m laboriously re-scanning my several hundred books at home into Delicious Library, the book porn application for OS X, after doltedly deleting my own library’s XML file when I got my new MacBook Pro a few months ago. Oops. The project, which was a blast the first time around, is a bit tedious this time. Also, I’m a bit piqued that there haven’t been any significant updates to the software in the last, what, year. .Mac integration? Web publishing? Smart bookshelves? Filtering of any real kind? Guys? …?
* I finished The Tattooed Girl by Joyce Carol Oates over the weekend (before my eye surgery…maybe more on that later). It was very firmly in the “OK” camp. If you want to try Oates, I recommend The Falls. Which I read on my Honeymoon. How ironic. You’d understand if you’d read it, which you likely haven’t because it’s not one of her most famous novels.
Without much luck, I was searching for blogs about Sporting Goods when I happened across yours. It’s a cool blog. Evidently you like telling it like it is! I have a really great ebay website that is easy to use that you may like. If you get a chance, check it out